水稻 稻种温度超过40℃持续12h以上时,先用清水洗净,然后用250mg/L药液浸种48 h,药液以淹没种子为度。清洗药液后,于30℃一下再发芽,可部分解除“吃热”伤害。
小麦 用0.3 %~0.5 %药液浸种6 h,药液:种子=1:0.8,晾干播种,拌种用2%~3%药液喷在种子上,闷种12 h播种,可是苗壮、根系发达、分蘖多、增产12 %左右。在分蘖初期用0.15 %~0.25 %药液喷洒,喷药液量50kg/667㎡(浓度不宜再高,否则会推迟抽穗和成熟),可使麦苗矮健,分蘖增多,增产6.7%~20.1%。
玉米 用50%水剂稀释80~100倍浸种6h,药液以淹没种子为宜,阴干后播种,可使植株矮壮、根系发达、结棒位低、无秃头、穗大粒满,增产显著。苗期用0.2%~0.3%药液,每667㎡喷50kg,可起到蹲苗作用,且抗盐碱和干旱,增产20%左右。
小麦 在分蘖末拔节初喷洒矮壮素,能有效抑制茎秆下部1~3节节间伸长,对防止小麦倒伏极为有利,并且提高成穗率。如在拔节期喷洒1 000~2 000mg/L药液,则在抑制节间伸长的同时也会影响穗的正常发育,造成减产。
The effect and action of short zhuang element
(1) Removal of damage caused by "eating hot" seeds
When the temperature of rice seeds exceeded 40℃ for more than 12h, the seeds were washed with clean water first, and then soaked with 250mg/L solution for 48 h. The solution was to submerge the seeds. After cleaning the solution, germinate at 30℃, which can partially remove the harm of "eating hot".
(2) Cultivate strong seedlings
Wheat with 0.3 %~0.5 % liquid soaking seed 6 h, liquid: seed = 1:0.8, dry sowing, seed mixing with 2%~3% liquid spray on the seed, suffocating 12 h sowing, but strong seedling, developed root system, tiller more, yield about 12 %. In the early tillering with 0.15 %~0.25 % liquid spraying, spraying liquid 50kg/667㎡ (concentration should not be high, otherwise it will delay heading and maturity), can make wheat seedlings short health, tiller increase, yield 6.7%~20.1%.
The maize was diluted 80~100 times with 50% water and soaked for 6h. The best solution was to submerge the seeds. After being dried in the shade, the plants were short and strong, the roots were developed, the rod setting was low, there was no baldness, the ears were big and the grains were full, and the yield increased significantly. Seedling period with 0.2%~0.3% liquid, every 667㎡ spray 50kg, can squat seedlings, and salt and alkali resistance and drought, yield about 20%.
(3) Inhibit stem and leaf growth, resist lodging and increase yield
Spraying aizhuangin at the beginning of jointing at the end of tiller could effectively inhibit the elongation between 1 and 3 nodes at the lower part of stem, which was very beneficial to prevent wheat lodging and increase the heading rate. If spraying 1 000~2 000mg/L liquid at jointing stage, it would not only inhibit internode elongation, but also affect the normal development of panicle, resulting in yield reduction.
- 上一篇:矮壮素的使用方法
- 下一篇: 植物生长调节剂的作用和种类